Our Living Room Statement Wall + Inspiration
If you’ve been following me on Instagram lately, you’ve probably seen how much we’ve been working on our living room. We’ve dreamt up and executed a few concepts so far, but definitely have a few more to go. This room has already undergone plenty of changes, but what we’ve done over this quarantine period has really been perfect for this space.
My style philosophy for our home is essentially creating a space that has fun colors and shapes for kids and adults alike. If I could describe our style for this home in three words it would be minimal creative eclectic. I say minimal because we have minimal stuff in this home; so, we want everything to be creative, functional, but still toddler-friendly. Creative? We like color, but we’ve made bold choices in the past that didn’t age well for our taste. This time around, we have chosen colors that are dusty but still saturated enough to bring a pop to the room. Eclectic? Definitely a word that has made me kind of cringe in the past because it makes me think of a room collecting dust, crowded with too many things. The reality is, our style is eclectic, meaning it pulls inspiration from so many sources and it all comes together.
Our style definitely isn’t for everyone, but it definitely brings a smile to our faces — including the face of our 2-year-old. We try to build several spots in our home with unique vignettes, or photo opportunities. Even though it’s definitely fun to photograph, one of the main questions I ask myself when dreaming up this space is, Imagine you could never share photos of your home with anyone, but you lived here by yourself forever. What would you want to do with this room? I feel like this makes us think about the practicality of our choices and the aesthetics.
For flooring, our home came with carpet, and we have really gone back and forth on what we want to do in this room. We’ve decided that we do want to replace the carpet with hardwood flooring, and we will try our best to find a home for the carpet — I know the Habitat ReStore takes gently used carpet! We started this process by removing the carpet from our stairs and fully rebuilding them. It really changed the space!
Next, I knew I wanted to use a blue color for this room, at least for one statement wall. I knew I wanted something that registered as blue and not gray, but I didn’t want it to be too dark. We chose Sleepy Blue by Sherwin Williams, and I’m 100% in love with this color for the space.
Once the blue wall was up, I realized this was the perfect space to incorporate the concept of a faux arched door: an idea I had seen on Instagram by one of my favorite people to follow, Liz Kamarul. I wanted to be sure the color was just right, and we settled on a dusty terra-cotta (Heathered Orange by Sherwin Williams).
We are doing a collaboration later this spring with Home Reserve, but it has been postponed by a few months due to this quarantine period. Rightfully so! The sofa that will arrive and be in front of this blue wall will be a dusty hunter green color, so I’ve kept that in mind while choosing paint decisions for this space.
I can’t wait to share more of this room with you as time goes on.
If you’re curious about how Collin did the arch of the door, he works for the blog A Beautiful Mess and they have a similar method on their site. He also has shown the process before on his personal Instagram in his highlights.