Quarantine: The First Two Weeks

Hey, everyone! As you should all know by now, we are currently sheltering-in-place during this pandemic and the boys and I have been home for 19 days now. Just wanted to do a check-in as I actually had quite a few posts in mind for this coming month — and those had nothing to do with a global pandemic!

Firstly, we are so grateful that Collin is still able to work. If he could stay home that would be ideal, but financially, it makes more sense for our family to have him working right now. He is very isolated at his workspace but does have to go to the hardware store a few times a week. He wears a mask, sanitizes his shoes, strips and showers when he gets into the home, and wears gloves. It stresses me out to think about all the people that are having to work but do not follow such rigorous efforts. I also know that even the most diligent of people are still getting sick, so that’s on my mind too! But he barely goes out if he can help it! Just for work and for groceries.

As far as the boys and I go, we were just starting to go out for the first time since Sage was born when all of this began. It’s ironic in a few ways, but I’ve been trying to put a positive spin on it. At the end of the day, this is the life we’re used to — staying home to protect our newborn baby from germs and trying our best to entertain our toddler. That, in a nutshell, is my personal postpartum experience anyway.


I will say that the inner dialogue on the weekends of where should we go? what should we do today? is gone and that has honestly freed up a lot of headspace. Collin and I have begun and completed quite a few home projects, while also trying to stay mindful of home improvement stores. I’ve documented these projects on my Instagram stories, but in a nutshell, we removed the carpet and rebuilt our stairs, we painted an accent wall in our living room, and also painted an arch on our side door. These projects did require Collin to pick up paint at Lowe’s, but moving forward we are trying to work with what we have in the house or ordering supplies rather than him going in.

Our next projects include using up a 5 gallon can of white paint to finally paint our bedroom and laundry room, paint a statement ceiling in our room, possibly ordering flooring, possibly building a side fence (our wall is partially fenced), and starting a garden.

Personal projects of mine include continuing to sew masks (I’ve made a few for my mom who works in the medical sphere), sewing some pants, tailoring existing clothes to fit better, and hopefully working on new pieces for BlissBranch.

In addition to these crafts, I still have some projects I’m moving forward with during this time including sponsored content and sharing all of my favorite recipes on my BlissNourish instagram account. So! Stay tuned for all of that.


If you’re wondering how the boys are handling this shift, they’re doing really well. I worry about Phoenix and his social level a LOT. I want him to be socialized and I really want him to play with friends, but who knows how long it will be before he sees another person not on a screen. Typing all of this out makes me even more worried, haha. BUT we do try to knock and wave at the mailperson and the garbage people as often as I remember to get him outside in time. We’re also playing outside more than ever now that the weather has warmed up some.


We haven’t been anywhere for curbside pickup from restaurants or anything like that. I’ve been too dang nervous! BUT I think we will explore that this week.


As far as stress goes, I’ve been working out lately and that has helped me with my anxiety. Sage has been sleeping for seven hour stretches, so I’ve had more energy lately to start up with something like that. I’m doing my best to stay positive, stay informed, and remind myself that this will pass if we all do our part and STAY HOME.


This is kind of a long, rambling post, but I thought I’d write out an update for my future self if anything, so that I can look back on where I was at during this time.


Love you all and if you have anything you want to leave in the comments or email to me, I’d love that!