Podcasts I'm Loving III

It's been a minute since I've shared some of the podcasts that keep me going these days, so I'm letting you all in on these recent favorites.

I always go through stages of learning about different things, but looking over these pods, I'm pretty well balanced. We've got food, wellness, lifestyle, feminism, + spirituality. Boom!

Give these a listen, and don't forget to check out my podcast, The Wilder Podcast on iTunes now!

1. Balanced Bites Podcast | Diane Sanfilippo + Liz Wolfe

Personally, I love learning more about food and the way it can heal and help the body. This podcast is up there with The Paleo Women Podcast (which was featured in my last Podcasts I'm Loving post), and I learn so many different things each time I tune in. I've made personal changes in my life and learned a lot about my health from applying some of the topics to my life. I definitely recommend this podcast if you're into physical wellness news and theories. These women speak on the Paleo lifestyle, so if you're a vegan, you're in for a ride!

2. The Book Deal | Jessica Murnane

My girl! I'm so obsessed with Jessica Murnane already, so whenever she announced a second podcast to add to her repertoire, I was stoked. This podcast is pretty self-explanatory, she chronicles her journey of getting a book deal in a very personable and honest way. If you want to check out her book, preorder it here, and do forget to check out my interview with her on my podcast! 

3. The Balanced Blonde | Soul On Fire | Jordan Younger

Again, I've been following Jordan's work for so long and I love her honest and vulnerable approach to blogging. You've probably heard of her book Breaking Vegan in which she outlined her personal struggle with orthorexia, stomach issues, and much more. She's a beam of light to follow on the internet, and her podcast takes you even deeper. She's very well spoken, intelligent, and lovable! She's also coming on the Wilder Podcast sometime soon ;)!

4. Don't Salt My Game | Laura Thomas

I love love love this honest AF podcast. Laura isn't afraid to talk about politics, privilege, and the real issues most voices in the blogosphere ignore. Laura isn't most voices, though. She highlights the importance of listening to professionals in the field of wellness, not just coaches and food bloggers. As a nutrition coach, I think we all serve very unique purposes and as a whole, we can help others make sustainable changes. Definitely a good pod to plug into if you like smart women saying fuck. Which I do. A fucking lot.

5. That's So Retrograde | Elizabeth Kott + Stephanie Simbari 

This podcast is relatively new to me, but I'm already in love. Essentially, it's a space for the modern woman to dive deeper into the spiritual realm. Yes, they talk about crystals, healing energy, and essentially everything you need to know to begin unlocking the magic around you. They keep it super-relatable which is exactly what we need when we're trying to create sustainable habits and practices of tapping in!

6. Unlocking Your Truth | Dr. Lesley Phillips

Here's another spiritual podcast I really love. Dr. Lesley discusses topics like chakras to spirits, and everything in between. She has a psychic call-in line, and it's just so fun and interesting to listen to. So far, I've learned a lot and I always find myself asking more questions, coming back for more!

7. Simple Roots Radio | Alexa Schirm

Again, this podcast is relatively new to me --- but so far, I love it! I stumbled across it while looking for natural remedies for a specific health issue, and I was pleasantly surprised to scroll down and see an interview with the one and only Isabel Foxen Duke! For those of you who don't know, I had Isabel on my podcast last week, so this was nothing less than a divine sign if you ask me. It's very nutritionally informative but also has a lot of heart.