Welcome to Wilder Wellness!

Hello, my dears! I'm so excited to share with you this very unique treat I have been dreaming up for months, and finally putting into motion. 

I'm talking about extending to you an invitation to experience Wilder Wellness: a way of being, and a community centered around the desire and dream to nourish our vessels in every way possible.

This is not merely a group centering around delicious food and physical health -- though that will become available to you as a member!

What you can expect when honoring yourself and becoming a member of Wilder Wellness:

- Weekly emails with *Wilder Wellness exclusive* recipes to try each week (2 breakfast, 2 lunch, 2 dinner, 2 snack), that's well over 100 exclusive recipes when you sign up for the 6-month membership!

- Private access to a limited-member Facebook group titled Wilder Wellness.

- Two Facebook live coaching calls each week to ask me your questions, connect with one another, and really find your niche in your own personal nourishment.

- Weekly themes to keep you focused on self-care and getting clear on ways to nourish your mind + spirit.

- Self-care practices and journal prompts to further deepen and align yourself with what mental and emotional nourishment can feel like.

- ***Early-bird Special***My brand new Superfood Latte and Tonic E-Book which you'll receive as soon as early-bird registration closes! Wondering why I've yet to share these recipes? I was saving them for this sacred space!

- Community-minded support from your sisters! Wilder Wellness is a  confidential and safe space for you to connect with one another and really deepen your awareness of this feminine experience. We may all be different in some respects, but we will all lovingly communicate to and support one another here.

Are you ready to stop putting yourself at the bottom of your to-do list and take loving action? 

Become a member of Wilder Wellness today! Early-bird enrollment opens Friday, January 27, 2017 and runs until February 6, 2017. That gives you time and space to prepare for this wellness shift!

Once you sign up, you'll be automatically added to the Facebook group.

Once this early-enrollment closes, you'll all receive a copy of my Superfood Latte & Tonic e-book in your inbox, and you'll see all the content of Week 1, beginning Monday, February 6th. 

Once your monthly subscription expires, you will be removed from the Facebook group. Each week has a different theme, and you only have access to the themes you're present in the group for. For example, if you miss week one and two, purchase your one-month membership on week three, you will have access to weeks 3, 4, 5, 6. 

That means try not to miss anything and sign up for the Early-bird registration! 10% of the proceeds go to benefit the ACLU.

I cannot wait to exist in this space with you, and watch you unlock what's already within!

Join us now!