How I Edit Photos Using Afterlight

So I've been asked many times what I use to edit my photos, how I get my house so bright, how do I capture the best lighting, etc. ​


The truth is, though I adore and strive for perfect lighting as much as possible, sometimes it's just not gonna happen. Whether I do or don't have absolute perfect natural light, I always use the photo-editing app Afterlight to perfect my photos. It's available for purchase in the iTunes App Store and I believe it's also available for Android.  



Heres a quick run down and step-by-step of how I typically handle my photos.  


^I will be taking this left photo.  


First, I usually bring the temperature of my photos down. This particular photo wasn't TOO yellow, so I only brought it down to -17. 


I've adjusted the brightness twice here.  


Secondly, I always adjust the brightness. If anything else, I want a crispy and pretty photo, and usually (as in this case) I bring the brightness up up and away! If it doesn't get bright enough of you bring the brightness up to 100+, that's okay! Just hit the check and do it again (as I did here) .

Sometimes, this is enough. Usually, I just stop here, and BOOM! Not over-edited, just brightened and more enhanced. Sometimes, however, I want a bit more warmth and color so.. 


I'll bring up the saturation! Don't be afraid of a little color pop! Afterlight saturation is really natural, and won't flush out skin tones like other photo editing software. ​


Lastly, and this is fully optional, you can bring up the shadows, giving your photo a dusty look.  

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