Smoky Maple Almond Butter Cups from the Wilder Wellness Group

Happy Monday, my loves!

I've been so thoroughly enjoying working all the incredible women in my Wilder Wellness Group, a group coaching membership that receives exclusive recipes weekly, community support, and two live coaching sessions each week.

Last week, we discussed the topics of Nourishment vs. Punishment and Anxiety. So many of my clients reached out to me after the coaching sessions, letting me know that they felt inspired to finally drop the diet mentality, start their own business, or pursue their dream career.

I also received many messages from my lovely Instagram followers requesting a recipe-only option to the group. I've made it so that you can get the recipes and weekly inspiration without the group/live coaching environment. I really do recommend you join us in the group, but I understand if you don't have a Facebook, or you just feel you want physical nourishment at this time.

 I know so many of you have been curious about joining the Wilder Wellness Group and receiving exclusive recipes to your inbox every Monday, and I wanted to share with you one of my favorite recipes so far. Smoky Maple Almond Butter Cups.

This recipe is incredibly simple, delicious, and filled with healthy quality fats. It's my go-to DIY candy recipe! I keep them stashed in the freezer, and take bites whenever I want one. Collin even approves of these. Score!

The thing that really sets this recipe apart is the Smoky Maple Almond Butter which is a WW Group exclusive. However! You can use this recipe and any nut butter you like + 1 teaspoon maple extract. So simple! 

I'm working on developing a series of nourishing candy recipes, so stay tuned. 


Now that we’ve made the nut butter, lets make some freaking candy! If you watched my Instastories on Valentine’s Day, you saw me make a version of this recipe. That’s just the thing: it’s so versatile!


  • 1 cup melted coconut oil
  • 1/3 - 1/2 cup cocoa powder (depending on how dark you want it)
  • 3 tbsp honey or maple syrup (can sweeten more, if desired)
  • 1 tbsp maca powder
  • 1/3 cup Smoky Maple Almond Butter (from the Wilder Wellness Group), or nut butter of your choice + 1 tsp maple extract
  • sea salt
  1. Line a mini-muffin tin with parchment muffin liners. If you have a silicone tin, skip this step.
  2. Whisk together melted coconut oil, cocoa powder, maca, honey + salt until well combined. We don’t want clumps!
  3. Spoon just enough of this chocolate mixture so that the bottoms of your cups are covered. No more than half the cup.
  4. Allow to set in the freezer for 7 minutes.
  5. Once set, dollop 1/2 tbsp size portions of almond butter (or whatever feels right) into your cups.
  6. Spoon remaining chocolate sauce over almond butter and allow to set in the freezer for 10 minutes. 
  7. Keep stored in the fridge for up to one week or in the freezer for several months!

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