My Top Ten Pregnancy Essentials

Hey everyone! I'm currently coming at you live from my birth ball, slowly perfecting my bouncing and typing abilities. My due date has come and gone, and yes. I am still pregnant and still taking a modified social media break (as in, I wanted to share with you this post before I have my baby and forget to make it!)

Throughout these past few weeks, I've become rather aware of all the random things that have made my life so much easier. When I say random, I really do mean random; the things that I absolutely haven't been able to live without aren't particularly glamorous. I'm sure I'll sneak in some cool items to this list, but practicality is really what I'm aiming for. 

I feel like this post doesn't need a ton of explanation, but I know that the list of shit to buy when you're expecting is pretty intimidating. I want to skip to the good stuff -- the products I really couldn't have made it without. The products I absolutely have loved using (or eating) despite their lack of Instagramibility. 

Under the Bump Underwear -- I recommend waiting until you have a defined and firm baby bump before rocking these, as they tend to slip awkwardly on a soft tummy (at least that's my experience)! I hated them when I first bought them, because they seemed too low. However, once my belly popped, they were my favorite thing!

Clary Travel Bath + Body Oil -- I feel like it's safe to say I am a firm hater in rubbing oil on my skin. I know it's super trendy currently (as it should be, because the health benefits are magnificent), but I also know that there are so many options out there to choose from. This liquid gold was bestowed upon me by my dear loves over at Lemon Laine here in Nashville, but you can order it online. It's been my favorite thing to massage on my bikini area after shaving (if you're into shaving) and also up onto my belly. I would imagine if you're practicing perineal massage, this mild-scented oil would be a pleasant one to use (personally, my midwife didn't recommend the massage for first-time-moms). 

Lantana Spicy Yellow Lentil Hummus -- I seriously do not care how random this looks. It's absolutely delicious, and I've had it in my fridge at all times for months. Yes, it's insanely cheap and delicious to make hummus yourself, however, this is a treat I'm obsessed with. 

Exercise Ball -- This one is kind of a dead giveaway (and less than $20), but it's really helped me with baby positioning during this last trimester in addition to just keeping me comfortable while I lounge. Depending on your height, you want to make sure the ball is inflated enough so that your knees are below your hips when sitting. 

A Plush House Robe -- I told you this list wasn't super glamorous. The robe life is the best life when you really don't want to get dressed right away, or you're dying to get undressed as soon as possible when getting home from work. My personal robe was a gift from my SIL back in like 2013, but this robe looks comparable (and there are options that aren't tacky baby blue -- BONUS).

Memory Foam Pillow -- Again, what a Granny thing to include in my list! However, I would be a shell of who I am today without a good memory foam pillow to cradle at night (I am a pillow-hugger, not a head-under-pillow type of person). Lucky for you, I found this natural-fiber bamboo foam pillow!

Ina May's Guide to Childbirth -- You're going to have an insane amount of resource recommendations from friends, apps, and doctors alike. However, this was the only book that I would ever recommend if you're wanting to explore natural birth stories in addition to the physiology of birth and how models of care have shifted throughout time. It changed my life! Not really into buying new books? See if a friend has one to lend to you (thank you, Laura) but I guarantee you'll want a copy just for keeps!

Comfy AF Shoes -- This is obviously a given, BUT I want to be more specific for the two types of shoes I haven't been able to live without. Firstly, just a lightweight pair of tennis shoes for walking. I've put on about 20 pounds during this pregnancy, and I know the tread on my sneaks won't be the same after I give birth (because I'm practically waddling at this point). I use them every single day and they've held up so well!

Secondly, my Danskos. They are terribly ugly (like, they are awful) and pretty expensive, but they are absolutely invaluable to me. I'm always wearing them if I'm not wearing my tennis shoes. ALWAYS.

That one oversized t-shirt -- If you've been following me for any amount of time, you know I have about three shirts I cycle through and only one holds the title of my absolute favorite shirt of all time (HOLY SHIT I AM DYING BECAUSE AMAZON HAS MY FAVORITE SHIRT !!!). You're going to want a shirt that is cotton for those untimely night sweats after those unimaginably vivid nightmares. You're going to want a shirt that also can double as a dress just in case you're sick of pants. You're going to want this specific shirt, or at least one that is 2-3 sizes larger than what you typically wear. Me? I rock that 3XL and I'll never stop!

The Birth Hour Podcast -- Though this is not a tangible item, it has saved my sanity and really inspired me throughout my last trimester. I was following the Birth Hour Instagram account early on, without really paying much attention to the fact that there was, in fact, a podcast to accompany it! There are so many different types of birth stories (unassisted, homebirth, epidural, multiples, LGBTQ pregnancies, car births, you name it) in addition to stories of infertility, stillbirth and miscarriage. I have sad cried and happy cried listening to these episodes, and I have strongly recommended them to everyone! Collin has even enjoyed listening to them. 

I'm sure I could rummage my mind for an accompanying twenty to thirty items that I've enjoyed during my pregnancy (mostly food), but I want to keep it as minimal as possible. I know this time can be a bit overwhelming for some, and these have helped me keep my sanity!

*This post contains affiliate links for Amazon, but I literally use Amazon for everything.