Podcasts I'm Obsessed With II

Hey, loves! By now, I'm hoping that you've really loved and become addicted to all of the podcasts in my first installment of Podcasts I'm Obsessed With and are ready for even more! Lately, I've been really diving into listening to my body, my hormonal problems, still being hypothyroid, and my egg cravings. So, I told you I wasn't going to tell you if I ate an egg, but I'm telling you. I ate an egg. I also then ate another one the next day, and another one yesterday. I'm hoping by listening to my body in this way, I can start feeling better, balance my hormones, and all that jazz!

Since starting my own podcast, I've become even more inspired and enthralled by all these inspiring female podcast hosts, and I really look forward to hopefully speaking with them on my own podcast! I definitely think that's one thing that has gotten a little out of hand...my intense desire to have everyone I find inspiring on my podcast. I'm excited to announce that I will be having Gala Darling, Madelyn Moon, and Amanda Gyuran on the podcast within the next month. These women are going to fully change your life, so be ready. 

Without further hesitation, here's the second installment in Podcasts I'm Obsessed With:

1. The Paleo Women Podcast

Lately, I've been dealing with some personal hormonal issues including hypothalamic amenorrhea, hypothyroidism (which has again led me to drop dietary labels and listen to my body, you can read more from the beginning of my journey last summer here), and adrenal fatigue. Though I strive for balance in my life, my body has found itself stuck in a bit of a hormonal rut, and with the help of Noelle Tarr and Stefani Ruper, I've been able to make changes to help in my journey! They speak on fitness, hormones, nutrition, and just overall help to educate women on what's going on in their bodies. If you've been curious about your hormones or just like hearing two incredibly intelligent women answer reader questions, this is an amazing podcast for you!

2. The No Sugarcoating Podcast


Once again, this is a podcast that I stumbled upon when searching for answers regarding my thyroid funkiness and hormonal imbalances. This podcast is hosted by two awesome women, Leanne Vogel and Amber Romaniuk, who have the most adorable Canadian accents, say exactly the right things, and giggle back and forth like two best friends. They do discuss their experience with the ketogenic diet, but they also implement balance through intuitive conversations with their bodies and always promoting healthful self care. Definitely a podcast to get you thinking about why you need to take care of you.

3. Raise Your Hand Say Yes

This podcast is hosted by Tiffany Han, an inspiring business coach and entrepreneur who is on a mission to change the way creative women interact with their dreams. I enjoy listening to her when I'm feeling a bit stuck in my business path, which has happened a few times (I'm only human) this year whilst deciding whether to pursue music, health coaching, or both! I'm obviously going with both. She interviews some incredible guests which you may find you have a lot in common with, so subscribe and get inspired!

4. Meditation Minis Podcast

This one may seem random, but this is the podcast I use to meditate with everyday! Chel Hamilton is a hypnotherapist who assist in calming the mind and taking you on a little journey through guided meditation. Her podcasts are usually 15 minutes or less, and really help with racing thoughts, anxiety, mindful eating, and more. Definitely check this out if you struggle with meditation alone, or you just don't know where to start.

5. The Love, Food Podcast

Ahhh. This podcast is such a soothing one! The host, Julie Duffy Dillon, takes on questions from the listeners (referring to them as letter-writer), discusses the issue thoroughly, and then responds in a love letter from food. It really is so sweet and calming to listen to, and she has really excellent insight on eating disorders, disordered eating, the reasons we struggle with mindful eating, and more. If you're working on recovering from disordered eating, or you just want to grow your relationship with food and your body, this is definitely something to listen to!