Music Monday #4

Good morning, good morning! 

Karsyn, here! Before I turn over this MM post to Collin, please excuse my lack of posts as of late; we've been working a bit more in our community and less on social media so far this month, and it's been so rewarding! Moving to a big city like Nashville, you picture yourself staying out late, seeing every show, making tons of friends --- but we've been a little slow to do so! It's so nice to be able to connect with others and build a community. 

We're also playing our first Nashville show this weekend, and performing the tracks from Crystallized for the first time live. I don't have a ton of details on the event (whether it's a private or public event) just yet, but I'll definitely be posting on Instagram soon with details! I know so many of you have been wanting us to tour or play shows, so I'll absolutely keep you posted. We're also playing a pretty big event in the fall, which I'll unfold details in time.

Without further hesitation, I'll turn this post over to Collin! It's not Music Monday without his badass playlists! Follow our playlists on Spotify, and don't forget, Crystallized is available on iTunes and everywhere now!

Hello everyone! Collin, here. It's a rainy day in Nashville today... So here is a playlist of some of my favorite moody, rainy day vibe tracks. I highly recommend jamming this in headphones if at all possible. All of these songs are total ear candy with sounds and textures that i find so addicting...


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