Sandcastles Cover + Free Download

Hey, everyone!

If you're a human, you've probably fallen in love with Beyonce's latest record LEMONADE.

*Tip: if for some reason you didn't have mad love for the record, watch the visual album.*

 For the past few months since it debuted, we've been mildly obsessed over this album, and have definitely planned on covering a track, we just never could decide which one. I chose Sandcastles, just because I recently posted a little clip of me singing along on Instagram, and everyone went buck wild. 

Now, if you're familiar with the original song, this version is very different! I love covers that aren't a carbon copy of the original track, so that was the place we were coming from when working on this. I recorded all the vocals and pads on my own last night, and Collin came in this morning to add a few touches. 

Since this is not my song, I wanted to make it downloadable to you for free, duh. So, please take a listen, and let us know what you think!

Would you prefer videos, or do you like saving these tracks to your personal library? Let us know!

Karsyn DuPreeComment