Music Monday #1

Hey, everyone! Collin, here. We're kicking off our new blog with a very important series. Drumroll, please...


This series is for us to not only share some of the newest music and artists we've recently stumbled across, playlists we're currently jamming to, but also share our musical progress and collaborations. Honestly, as much as we absolutely adore finding new music and sharing new artists with others, we also get hooked on a few oldies from time-to-time, so be looking for those throwback tracks in the playlists! 

As far as our musical update this week, we're currently finished mastering our Crystallized EP tracks, and uploaded the final versions to be released on July 1st (in case you missed our posts on social)! If you haven't heard it yet, you can listen while we stream it FREE for a limited time right here!

 We're stoked to get these songs out to everyone, and we really hope you enjoy them; they're rather different than what we've put out so far. 

In addition to our EP news, we also put out a cover of Adele's Send My Love (to Your New Lover) last Friday. Missed it?! No worries, you can watch it right here!

Have a badass week, everyone! Thanks for checking in with Wildernessa for our first Music Monday, and make sure you tune in each Monday for more news!