Nashville, Day One!

So, recently, we posted that we were coming to Nashville to house hunt and take a vacation for our ONE YEAR wedding anniversary! I know. I can't believe it either.  

Dress: Asos  

Dress: Asos  

We arrived late in the afternoon yesterday, and really only had time to to grocery shop, wander around the neighborhood to stretch our wary limbs, and well, sleep. 


Today, we finally were able to venture out! We looked at some addresses we had found online of locations for rent, and let's just say they in the friendliest of neighborhoods! Adopting a new price range from a small Texas town where you can rent an entire house in a nice area for <$800 might be a little tricky, but we can do it!


We've spent time in Nashville before, but typically nothing more than a couple of days at a time, so we're really looking forward to seeing everything we can this time around! First and foremost, we made a stop at the new Barista Parlor, and coincidentally, ran into a fellow Tyler-ite who recognized us! Small world.  


Along the way, we went shopping and found many vintage beauties, soon to be on the site!  


I love this shot of my babe; he has a bad habit of biting his nails, but in this photo it's kinda disguised as showing off his ring, lol! 


So much caffeine since we've been here! Typically, I'm a two shots a day kind of girl. Today? Four. Shots.  


Secret: I almost always photograph Collin's lattes because he gets whole milk, whereas I get almond and the latte art is somewhat shifty most of the time.  


We've been chatting all day about where to live when we move here, since obviously the cost of living is SO drastic. I think we might just sell everything and start fresh in an apartment and work ourselves up once we find our footing here.  


Any suggestions would be amazing! I know this is one of the fastest growing cities in the country, and soon we'll be a part of that growth! So excited and somewhat nervous, but we're ready to start a new life alone and away from our comfort zones!